Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Deepsky anyone???

This is my first try on deepsky photography. I used a Konica Minolta Z2 digital camera. This camera was mounted "piggyback". I took 10 frames with an exposure of 30 seconds each. The film sensetivity was 400 ASA. I used AstroStack to stack the pictures into one frame. On the original picture (12 Mb TIFF) the blue reflection nebulae around de stars 0f M45 are a littlebit visable. This photo contains star up to Mvis 11!

Saturday, November 11, 2006

First color image

This week I experimented with my Konica Minolta Z2 digital camera. With PVC pipe I constructed an adaptor that i can use with my telescope. This way I can make color pictures of the moon with a high resolution. This 4 Mb images can be enlarged and printed with high detail. If you want to know how the adaptor was constructed, just let me know.
Click on the image too see the bigger picture.

Thursday, November 02, 2006


Last month, early in the morning I managed to take a picture of saturn. Because I didn't use a Barlow lens the image is quite small. The photo was taken by using a Celestron Neximage. This device records a AVI movie file. With Registax these AVI picture frames are combined to one frame. Also, lots of unseen details are enhanced this way.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Using Registax

Hello world,

This is my latest creation. This is an image of the moon. I combined two photo's that I made with my NexImage. In Registax and did some editing in Photoshop to enhance the details.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Getting there...

Finally i'm getting somewhere.... The conditions weren't ideal but still good enough for this picture. I'm sure that under perfect conditions, a lot is possible with this telescope.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Latest attempt

This is my latest attempt to photograph the moon. Although the seeing was bad, the moon was much higher in the sky. I also experimented with Registax and Photoshop to get a sharper image.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Another picture of the moon

This is an earlier attempt to make a picture of the moon. I used a 6" Newton telescoop, that i build myself. For the photo i used a Philips Vesta Pro webcam. In this attempt I only took a single shot. There is a technique where you take a video file (AVI). I will try this later on.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Testing my new telescope

I bought a new telescope this week. Last saturday it was clear enough for the first tests. Although the seeing wasn't good, the moon was low and trees blocked my sight, i managed to shoot some foto's. I used a Celestron Neximage digital astrocamera. I use Registax to convert the AVI-file into a single picture. In Photoshop i enhanced the picture some more. See my results!