Tuesday, April 24, 2007

My airplane video..

See my airplane video:

Moon and airplane

When you're outside a lot you will encouter the odd chance to take a picture like this. I photographed this on april 22.

M13 - Globular cluster in Hercules

This week finaly clear skies again. I had a shot at M13. This is a globular cluster that belongs to our own galaxy. In total I took twenty photo's with an exposion of 1 minute on 800 ASA. These photo's where stacked with DeepSkyStacker. In this case you get a photo with a total exposure time of 20 minutes. After that a little touch-up in Photoshop. For those of you who realy pay attention: In the upper left corner NGC 6207 is also visible. This galaxy has an apparent magnitude of 12,1!

Monday, April 23, 2007


This is my latest attempt to photograph Saturn. Yesterday we had clear sky's and de seeing was good. Technical data:

Philips Vesta Pro on a 200 mm F5 Newton
Barlow (3x) and a IR/UV blocking filter
600 images (590 used) stacked witch RegiStax

This is a course result. It still needs some photoshopping ;-)
I'm pleased with the result

Friday, April 20, 2007

M51 - second attempt

After a few tips from fellow amateur-astronomers I went outside and had another go at M51. Also I mastered some techniques in Photoshop. See the picture below for the latest result...

Monday, April 16, 2007


A couple of day's ago I started with deepsky photography. I made photo's with the camera piggyback on the telescope (see the post down below). Finaly I managed to connect my Canon 350D on to the telescope. Last night was a very clear night. Ideal to shoot some pictures. It took me almost 4 hours to take the pictures. I needed a lot of time to prepare the telescope. :-)
For all pictures I used a camera sensetivity of 1600 ASA. I shot 10 pictures with a shutterspeed of 30 seconds (total exposure time 5 minutes). The seperate pictures where combined to one with DeepSkyStacker. For the final touch-up I used Photoshop. See my results in the enclosed pictures (click on one of the pictures to see the enlargement):