Saturday, June 23, 2007

The dark side of the moon

For this photo of the moon I took 2 images: one with a "normal exposure time (1/60 seconds), and one with a longer exposure time (1 second). These pictures where combined to one with photoshop. This will give a total view of the moon.

Thin moon cresent

This is a mosaic of 5 pictures that I took with the 8" telescope and the Philips Vesta Pro webcam. I used a shutter speed of 1/30 second and took aprox. 600 images. The resulting photo's where stitched together with Photoshop. Click on the image to see "the big picture"...

Sunday, June 03, 2007

M51: Resampled

While testing my new laptop I resampled my picture of M51 (Canes Venatici). I also detected that two other little galaxy's are visible: IC 4263 (Mvis 15,7) and NGC 5169 (Mvis 14.4). These galaxy's are found at the right hand corner, below the middle. Can you find them? Never before I photographed objects this dimm.
The tests revealed that Microsoft Vista causes a lot of driver problems. I need to solve them before my holiday in Southern France. I take the telescope, the camera an the laptop along. Time is ticking.....