Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Orion nebulae

Last night was very clear. A good moment to capture the M42. This birthplace for stars can be found in the constelation of Orion. From my observatory, the nebulae bearly rises above the tree tops. So its a matter of good timing to get a good shot. In this picture I used 40 frames of 30 seconds each. The camera was set to ISO 1600. I used Deepskystacker to stack the frames, and used Photoshop and Nebulosity to finalse it.

Sunday, December 02, 2007


This is the large file of NGC 891. With the site I was able to identify 14 objects on this photo. All of them are galaxies.

Expanding comet Holmes

This is a picture of comet Holmes, made on December 1st 2007. Since my last post the comet has grown in size considerlaby. For this picture I used 40 frames of 30 seconds on ISO 1600.