Saturday, December 13, 2008

Crater Clavius December 7th 2008

After a period of cloudy weather finnaly clear skies again. So another opportunity to take a shot at the moon. This is crater Clavius. The picture consists of 812 frames. The last touch-up was made in Photoshop.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Jupiter (best picture yet!!!)

I managed to take my telescope along on vacation. I have been to Southern France. No citylights and on a height of 360 meters de skies are dark and full of stars. On juli 1ste the seeing was awsome. Around 01:30 I was able to make this picture; Jupiter, the great red stop and an occulation by the moon Io.

For this photo I used 845 frames and stacked them with Registax. The final touch was made with Photoshop (sharpening).

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Moon mozaic

These picture's where taken in a period of exeptional clear weather in Holland. To make these pictures I used several frames taken with the Philips SPC900 webcam. In Photoshop these frames where combined to "the bigger picture". Click on the individual pictures to see the full format version.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Spiral galaxy M101

For this picture I tried to use a longer exposuretime for the individual frames. The majority of the frames have an exposuretime of approx. 1 minute on ISO 1600. The total exposure time is almost one hour!

The frames are stacked in DeepskyStacker and the colours are enhanced in Photoshop.

Another globular cluster; M3

Last night clear skies again. So a chance for a next globular cluster; M3. I used 50 frames of 30 seconds on ISO 1600. I stacked them with DeepskyStacker (I like the live stacking feature in DeepskyStackerLive). In Photoshop I streched the picture and added some colour.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Globular cluster Messier 13

Up till now I wasn't able to make a decent picture of a globular cluster. Last night I amed the telescope at The Great Globular Cluster in Hercules. This picture consists of 50 frames. The exposure time is 30 seconds at 1600 ISO. I stacked the frames with DeepSkyStacker and touched it up a little with Photoshop.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Moon April 13th

This is a picture of the moon taken with the Canon 350D. I used 50 JPEG pictures (frames) and stacked them with Registax. With Photoshop I touched up the photo a little. This one of the finest results yet.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Results with the new Televeu 3X Barlow

Last month I was able to test my new Barlow. And up till now I'm very pleased with it. In this photo's you see the moon (crater Clavius) and Saturn. The picture of Saturn could be a bit sharper though but on the night the photo was taken the seeing was pretty bad.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sharp moon image

This is the latest moon image, taken on januari 16th 2008. I used a Philips SPC900 webcam. From the 1200 frames taken I used 800.
they where stacked with RegiStax. The final touch-up was done with photoshop.