Thursday, February 18, 2010

Horsehead nebula

This image is made on februari 16th. I used 40 frames with an exposure of two and a half minutes at ISO1600. This is a quick processing job. I'm sure that with some more time and effort this could be better :-). The horsehead nebula is in the constellation Orion, at a distance of 900 lightyears.

Friday, February 05, 2010

Messier 42 in HDR

To make this High Dynamic Range picture I used two series of frames; 20 frames at 30 seconds and 15 frames of 3 minutes exposure. The frames where stacked in Deepskystacker. The HDR image was created in Photoshop. A Highpass filter was also applied.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Mars, 31ste of januari

This is Mars on the 31ste of januari. For this image I used 1250 frames, stacked with Registax. Photoshop was used to add some more sharpness.

Apparature; 8" Skywatcher Newton; Philips SPC900 webcame; Televue 2x Barlow. The webcam used its internal zoom function (2x).