Saturday, May 26, 2007

Saturn occulation by the moon

On 22th of may this year the moon and saturn had a close encounter. Unfortunally I was unable to photograph the point when saturn became visible again. A band of clouds blocked my view. But a couple of minutes later I took this photo. There is a lot of differance in luminosity between the moon and saturn so that had to bee corrected.

M81 and M82 in Ursa Majoris

On this photo you'll see a galaxy edge on (M82) and a galaxy from above. But then again what is up and down in space? I again used 20 pictures of 30 seconds exposuretime at 800 ASA. Notice the fine structure in M81. The spital arm are visible.

M97 in Ursa Majoris

This is also a planetary nebulae. Only this one is green! For this photo I took 20 exposures of 30 seconds at 1600 ASA. These where also stacked with DeepSkyStacker and touched-up with Photoshop.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Latest Deepsky result...

Last night we had very clear skies. I went outside at 12 at night, and went to bed at 3:30. But with some result! This is my photo of M27 "the dumbell nebula". I took 20 frames, 1600 ISO, 30 seconds each (10 minutes in total). These frames where stacked with Deepskystacker. In Photoshop the photo was adjusted with curves and contrast/luminosity. It is totaly amasing to get so much detail!. Als the number of stars is fantastic. This is also due to the proximity of the milky way (our own galaxy). I also made an enlargement to show the finer detail inside the nebula. And I also enhanced the colours. I found out that the canon 350D is a little insensetive to red :-(

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

M57 in Lyra

This a photo of M57 in detail. Als this photo is touched-up a little with Photoshop. Also the central star, wich exploded and caused this ring of gas, is visible. Look in the centre of the nebulae. Unfortunaly my Canon doesn't record red so well. Otherwise the red outer rimm of the nebulae would be visible also.