Sunday, May 13, 2007

Latest Deepsky result...

Last night we had very clear skies. I went outside at 12 at night, and went to bed at 3:30. But with some result! This is my photo of M27 "the dumbell nebula". I took 20 frames, 1600 ISO, 30 seconds each (10 minutes in total). These frames where stacked with Deepskystacker. In Photoshop the photo was adjusted with curves and contrast/luminosity. It is totaly amasing to get so much detail!. Als the number of stars is fantastic. This is also due to the proximity of the milky way (our own galaxy). I also made an enlargement to show the finer detail inside the nebula. And I also enhanced the colours. I found out that the canon 350D is a little insensetive to red :-(

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